Saturday, November 11, 2006

workin 9 to 5 (and then some)

God is so cool.

not only do i have a job, but i have a job that i didn't technically apply for, and its a job that couldn't be better designed for me! If i would have known that this was coming along, i could have saved a LOT of time not having to fill out 357,952.844 resumes and cover letters. but maybe that was to make me more appreciative once i did get this job. hmm.

i am now the volunteer coordinator for carolina hospice care.
basically i get to:

-recruit and train volunteers, and then match them up with the right patients based on their gifts and personalities.
-hang out with patients
-plan events/ marketing stuff
-do whatever anybody else tells me to do :)

some days i wonder if its true that i really get paid for this. so far i have gotten to dress up for a therapy dog halloween parade at musc childrens hospital, go to the fair for our booth to give stuff away at senior day (aka old people trick or treating for pens and plastic cups), plan two wine and cheese parties, and the best part....go visit a lot of our patients.

i think i might have the coolest job ever.

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