Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i know its not thanksgiving yet,

but in honor of the christmas spirit....i have a question.

what is a sugarplum?

is this a real actual food/candy item?
has anyone ever actually eaten or seen this infamous christmasy entity?
if so....is it good? have i been missing out?
and.......is it more of a sugary plum or plum flavored sugar?


Anonymous said...

sugarplum is defintely in the desert group. its a sweet a delicious treat after dinner... or whatever velvet elvis is made out of.

i like that book.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i saw an article in martha stewart about making these so called sugar plums...all they were were marshmellows with icing and crap on them...i think they should be a dessert item that you can convienently pick from a tree...hey, dreams come true at christmastime