Monday, November 27, 2006

tie God up and put him in a little box

"The very scary thing about religion, to me, is that people actually believe God is who they think he is. By that I mean they have Him all figured out, mapped out...It makes me wonder if God created us in His image or if we created Him in ours." -donald miller

hmmm...interesting that we often create ridiculously screwed up, although usually convenient, versions of God in our heads. How many times when we pray do we tell him what we think he should be like and what he should do in our lives....that really he doesn't understand and he's doing it all wrong.

sometimes we forget we serve a mighty, passionate, jealous, loving, all powerful, holy, patient, strong, creative, genius sort of God.
and if we haven't forgotten, how come we aren't living like we know that?


Anonymous said...

like trying to get a lion to sleep in a bird cage...

Mr. Jenkins said...

did i already tell you it was nice seeing you the other night? thanks for coming out/hanging around.

make monday a good one.