Thursday, April 23, 2009


so yesterday i drank some radiation with a plastic straw. out of a 3 pound metal cylinder.

i should have learned by now i need to bring my camera everywhere with me. seriously.

today, had my 30ish minute scan (shorter than usual!) where they wrap you up like a mental patient and put dots on your face. i dragged katie beth along for entertainment while i was stuck in the tube and we had a good time.
well, as good of time you can have when you can't talk or move in any way.

i'll get the results late today or tomorrow so i'm still on the diet and i'll update when those come in.

on a side note, something i've noticed over the past few weeks:

not only has God been extremely gracious and faithful to me since all this began, but i am reminded of people's faithfulness to each other.

the waiting room is always a sobering place filled with people who are bald from cancer, in wheelchairs, people who look miserably sick. yet, they all have children or husbands or wives to love them. if you wonder if people stay married anymore, come sit in the waiting room with a couple in their 70s where he holds her hand and tells her she is beautiful even with no hair. that is faithfulness.

i have gotten insane amounts of phone calls and text messages from friends reminding me of their love. flowers, cards, emails... all tangible expressions of how i have amazingly faithful friends. old friends who have walked with me from the beginning of this and new friends to see me to the finish.

thank you. i love ya'll.


Marianna said...

I just noticed you replied to my last comment a few posts back! I hope everything goes well and that your physical body is healing!

Anonymous said...

love knows no boundaries, sees no limits, looks past the outer to only see the inner.
love you.D