Monday, September 24, 2007

you know you're out in the country when...

so sometimes i have to travel to really really really small towns to do presentations at a high school (like today). here are some signs that you are out in the stix:

-You pass 6 taxidermy places within 20 minutes of each other
-All the streets are named after produce, animals, or farm equipment (Ex: "Blueberry Lane," "Watermelon Road," "Kicking Horse Circle" and "Tractor Drive"....not even kidding).
-The speed limit for the whole town never exceeds 30 miles an hour (and sometimes gets down to 15mph) and there is only 1 stoplight within a 30-40 mile radius.
-You lose all cell phone service from the moment you get off the I-26 exit.

Just a few tidbits from my day..... :)

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