Tuesday, February 13, 2007

i think this just hit me today.

i think the hardest thing about adjusting from being in school to working is this:

...it doesn't end.

there is not really a goal to reach for. no exam. no semester completed. no break. if you actually finish a project, then that just means you move on to the next thing on your never-ending to do list. another table to wait on. another person to call. (or for me, another post-it note on my desk) it just goes on and on and on forever.

you had better like your job.

most days, i do.

1 comment:

Katie said...

hmmmm....I've never really thought of it that way. I am currently ready to be out of school for kinda the same reaons though -- the studying seems to never end -- go to class, come home, and study...I'm ready for the day to end at 5 and for me to leave work at work and have my own life. :-)

that is one of the plus-sides of working...aside from the whole money thing. haha. but I see what you're sayin'.