Saturday, January 13, 2007


2006 was a little rough.

okay a lot rough. it started weird and ended weird. honestly, i'm glad its over, although i learned a WHOLE lot.

I experienced God in ways I didn't know was possible. I learned what it means to be loved well by your family and friends...and how everyone needs love like that. really and truly... if you are primarily concerned with loving other people (which means not thinking about ourselves so much) solves a lot of problems and answers a lot of questions. you want what is best for them....and whats best for them is more of Jesus.

despite all that...sometimes you just need a break...a little normalcy. and i feel like i have that for the moment.
i spent 2006 on a field on landmines. its like i was holding my breath for a whole year, afraid that if i relaxed then one more thing was going to explode under my feet.

i can breathe again.
my mom called me on the morning of new years day just to tell me that she thought 2006 "sucked" and 2007 was going to be "fabulous."

i think it will be.

1 comment:

Mamie said...

thats funny (and i'm not just making a pun on the blog name) bc i have heard so many people say that 2006 just wasn't a great year for them (me included) ... actually I really haven't heard anyone say it was particularly great. I'm glad its over too.