Wednesday, January 30, 2008

thyroid insanity and answered prayer

not all of ya'll got these, but they are actual emails that went out within an hour of each other yesterday:

hey ya'll-

so latest update as of a few minutes my blood work done yesterday and just got the results. Two weeks ago, my TSH level was at 1.75 and I has to be at least 30 to have the test, so they made me wait until this week to check again. My TSH is now 129. Which means I am a walking dead person pretty much. The doctor seemed real surprised that it got that high (story of my life).

Unfortunately, I am not able to have the scan this week. Normally I would take a radioactive pill, get scanned and be done (pretty quick procedure). However this year I was just informed that I have to have a more invasive scan. The only day they can do this is on February 4th. I will be injected with some radioactive fluid at 11am and scanned at 3:30pm. Which means, I am still on the diet and still off my meds for another week.

Prayer requests:

-That I can make it through work this week (no thryoid = diminished brain function = aly is an idiot). The Lord's strength will be displayed if I do, because I certainly can't do it on my own.
-That the teachers will have grace and I can rearrange my schedule for monday so I do not have to take the day off.
-That I can make it through the weekend...particularly with energy and not being able to eat at several large events (which includes having to work on Saturday morning, a family birthday party, and the super bowl... which i may skip entirely (sorry wynn and john!).
-That the Lord will have mercy on me during the injection procedure on Monday (if you know me, you know I don't do well with needles in my arms) and that the scan will be clear.

I know the Lord is working through this just like everything else. But honestly, I am just real discouraged/frustrated and it doesn't help that I am psychotic by this point for being off my medicine for over a month. My mom is coming to take care of me today. Please just pray.

In His Kind Arms,

well, not sure who read the last email, but your prayers worked! (thanks cheryl and simonsl! :)

i called the doctor upset and asked if there was any way they could do it sooner. she put me on hold, then came back on and told me that they made a mistake and had scheduled me for the WRONG scan at the hospital (makes you wonder how often that happens?) She worked it so i could have everything done ASAP.

I am getting my pill tomorrow and having the scan on Friday (YAY! which means no injection and i get to start my meds on Friday afternoon).

God has an ironic sense of humor. I think he's teaching me to be flexible.

So needless to say, it was an emotional rollercoaster of a day.
Really, I just need ya'll to pray that I can make it through the next few days. My body feels like its dying, my hair is falling out, i get dizzy when i stand up, and I still have to work until Saturday afternoon. I am so grateful for the Lord and his mercy working it out that I can have this done now instead of next week because I don't think I could have lasted that long. Thanks for the emails...I love ya'll.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i want some m&ms

God is so funny sometimes.

So this morning before coffee with my mentor extraordinaire (Debi) I am sitting at Starbucks reading this:
"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." James 4

I told Debi that over Christmas was the first time I had thought about making some plans for my life since I had gotten sick a few years ago. During my 2 weeks of down time I had a lot of time to read and be still and I realized that I have been so afraid to make plans for fear that I wouldn't be around to carry them out. It sounds silly I know...I was "cancer free" as of last February. But along with my yearly scans to make sure it hasn't come back comes a host of fears all over again.

So I was supposed to have my yearly scan this week and then be able to slowly go back on my synthroid pill. I've been off my thyroid replacement meds for about 2 weeks, and on a low-iodine diet which knocks out anything with salt, eggs, dairy products, soy, butter, seafood, certain veggies, anything in a can, and red dye #3, etc. etc. etc. Which means that you are hungry. And tired. And craving candy to the point of killing someone (or maybe that is just me).

However, after some TSH bloodwork my doc says I will have to wait 2 more weeks....I might feel horrible now, but my blood isn't ready yet. "You do not know what will happen tomorrow..." How about you do not know what will happen today! The Lord is teaching me patience, dependence and flexibility. Apparently I need to hold onto my plans loosely.

so as my brain is going to mush over the next month or two (according to "thyroid for dummies" being hypothroid = confusion, memory loss, dizziness and an ironic sense of humor...not even kidding on that one) ya'll will have pardon me if i am a complete idiot. :)